Sunday, September 21, 2014

Game On!

Framingham got clipped by showers, which will serve well to tamp down the powder-like infield. The Old vs. Young Game is on, as long as enough players aren't discouraged by rain in their local area!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Field is Dry!

Game on! While we may have gotten 1/3 inch, and while there were puddles on the pavement as of 11:30pm, the clouds were breaking, the moon was shining, and there was not a puddle on the field

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Game On (Hopefully)

Despite the change in overnight forecasts - now with a very light mist - the game is on. The infield was dry last night at 11pm, so a light rain won't change that. You're out of bed, so make the trip!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Every Week!

One of the good things about the game is that there is no pressure to be there every. Whatever week you want to show up, the game is there. Even though it's vacation season and the numbers weren't strong last week, last year on the 4th weekend we had 10 players and the following week we had 18. Every Sunday morning, we roll out the balls and have at it!

Friday, July 4, 2014

6th of July: Baseball ... and Pie

The weather will be gorgeous, the camaraderie infectious, the pie delicious! Play ball!

Friday, June 6, 2014

And, Still ...

... after what many have said was a clear point to the latest email, 10 of the 18 at last week's game arrived late, delaying the start until 9:17am - for everyone, including those who there at 8am to groom the field, lay bases, split the teams. And then we didn't get to play the 9th inning of a really fun game when Babe Ruth teams arrived.

Besides doing right by your fellow players, in the coming months it's going to be a lot cooler getting that inning played at 9am instead of 12:15pm!

Jim gets frozen in this pose like the Tin Man. Bring the oil by 8:45am!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

It's a long weekend. You can mow the lawn another day. Play ball!

Sunday's forecast looks great. Keep in mind we are not at our usual Summer home, that we're at our typical Fall field. And it is the last 9:30am game of the season, since come June, we go at 9am for the 3 summer months!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

There is a "Mom" in Momentuim

With 22 coming to the final practice, we're looking great for Opening Day. Yes, it's Mother's Day. But if all get there by 9:15 (other than not injuring another player, it's about the only responsibility you have to The Game) we should be off the field by 12:30 and off to do whatever one does one on Mother's Day. The bunting is hung and Jason will do the fly-over. Play ball!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Once More ....

With 78% of the respondents saying that we need one more practice before games, that's what we'll do this week. With Sunday forecasted as dry and not bitterly cold!

From Ron: I would suggest we run the practice like a practice. Infield, outfield, cut-offs, hitting and simply going over fundamentals including rules. Might seem a bit formal but benefits are everyone gets balls hit to them, hopefully improves overall play from get go.

This puts Opening Day on Mother's Day. I am certain that Mom wants you to have fresh air and exercise. So put her on notice that that's what you'll be doing until 12:30!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Slow Out of the Box

Even if the rain were to stop, the temps are in the 40's and, more importantly, the field is sloppy and won't recover. No baseball today.

This begs the question: should we have one more practice before starting the games? There is a poll on the right. Vote, email ... a decision will be made near the end of the week.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Permit in Hand!

“... players are the same age always, but the man in the crowd is older every season. Come on, play ball!” ~  by Rolfe Humphries, “Polo Grounds” 1942 

We're now official!

Because of this weekend's holiday, the length of the season, and the creakiness of the bones and muscles, it was decided by unanimous, rain-soaked consensus at the field this past week that we'll have two more weeks of scraping off the rust before Opening Day.

April 20: 9:00am, the first "formal" workout. Take BP, throw off the mound, try to remember how to get under a fly ball ....

April 27: Get up and do it again!

May 4: Opening Day.

If you opted-in, you should be getting emails with details. Otherwise, get in touch!

Check out "The Clubhouse" page (on right) for available Red Sox tix! And feel free to post!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The 2014 Season

The permit application has been submitted and there are assurances that there are no new procedures that will preclude us from being permitted. All we need is players!

An email for you to opt-in will soon go out to all who were on the roster last year. Please respond to it. And, in anticipation of some serious snow melting, get ready for April 6!